If you wish to contribute, I would ask you to go through your LD collection, pull out the anime titles, and extract the information described on the General Information page. Actually, most will find it easier to record the information piecemeal as they watch each disc, and I am happy to recieve it this way. This done, set it up approximately as follows (see the actual listings; information which may not be relevant is in [brackets]):
cat_no general title "specific title" [OMAKE: extras on disc.] producer(s). [ENGLISH VERSION: translator.] label[/distributor], year. [UPC: bar code.] [ISBN: code.] [LABEL: label colour if identificative] time: rotation format/side count. [subcodes.] [subtitles.] AUDIO: ANALOG: language(s) & format. [DIGITAL: language(s) & format.] [AC-3: language & format.] [dts: language & format.] SIDE 1: stamper_no other_marks [serial_no] . . SIDE N: stamper_no other_marks [serial_no] [DEAD: stamper_no other_marks [serial_no]] [NOTE: additional information] PACKAGE DETAILS: jacket type [obi description] [liner notes description] [included items description]
Send this information, whether you wish to be identified as a contributor, and any other relevant details to publius at caldc dot com (parse it and help frustrate spambots).
Thank you.