LVD9382		3x3 Eyes (Episodes 1-4, concatenated).
		OMAKE: Background Music Suite, Original Japanese Next Episode Trailers.
		Yuzo Takada, 1991. English Version: Streamline Pictures.
		Streamline Pictures/Lumivision, 1994. UPC 7 24117 93826 0. Light blue label.
		116 min: CLV/2. Chapters, TOC.
		Audio: Analog: CX Stereo English. Digital: Mono Japanese.
		Stamper Numbers:
		Side 1:	LDVS-002182-A-A1
		Side 2:	LDVS-002182-B-B2

NOTE:	Back cover is riddled with inaccuracies.
	Chapter 15 does not exist; last chapter is 30.
	Japanese audio may actually be stereo.

Package Details

Extended Chapter Listing

[As per sleeve notes; for inaccuracies vide supra]

  1. Side 1
  2. 3x3 Eyes
  3. Drag Racer
  4. Beyond the Grave
  5. Undead
  6. Hong Kong Ghostbusters
  7. Sign of the Void
  8. Ghouls, Gods and Gun Play
  9. Back in Japan
  10. Dachinkos
  11. Yakano Goes To Pieces
  12. I Was A Teenage Zombie Void Slave
  13. The Derian Tree
  14. Exiles
  15. Background Music Suite
  16. Side 2
  17. Stalking the Statue
  18. The 32nd Floor
  19. Kiss Baby Goodbye
  20. Kicking Some Butt
  21. The Face of Kayan Wang
  22. Yakamo Lends a Hand
  23. Three's a Crowd
  24. Shadow Warrior
  25. Decline and Fall of the Triclops
  26. Pai Goes it Alone
  27. The Face Off
  28. Credits
  29. Trailer for Episode 2
  30. Trailer for Episode 3
  31. Trailer for Episode 4

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